Vlad Kondratiev

Function Postdoc (DRAGNET project)
Office 6.08
Phone +31 (0)521 595 767
Fax +31 (0)521 595 101
Email kondratievATastron.nl
Scientific interests - Low-frequency studies of pulsars with LOFAR: pulsar profiles and spectra, polarisation, scattering, single-pulse studies, all-sky and targetted searches of pulsars and fast transients
- Giant pulses (GPs): high-time resolution studies, correlation with high-energy emission, searching for GP pulsars
- Pulsar searches: surveys with LOFAR (LOTAAS) and GBT (GBNCC, 350-MHz Driftscan), radio pulsations from cooling isolated neutron stars, pulsars in Local Group galaxies
- Digital signal processing and scientific programming
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